Autocad Revit Architecture 2010
Revit 2012 Session 1 Site Modeling 1 Import an image file 2 Scalling 3 Points 4 Showing existing and new terrain. This website uses cookies. Continuing to use this website gives consent to cookies being used. For more information see our cookies policy. Get Revit together with AutoCAD, Navisworks, and more. Revit is software for BIM. Its powerful tools let you use the intelligent modelbased process to plan, design. RPC Plugin for Autodesk AutoCAD 32bit AutoCAD Architecture 32bit 2018 version 22. RPC Plugin for Autodesk AutoCAD 64bit AutoCAD Architecture 64bit. Revit est un logiciel darchitecture dit par la socit amricaine Autodesk qui permet de crer un modle en 3D dun btiment pour crer divers documents. Autodesk builds software that helps people imagine, design and create a better world. Creating Complex Roof in Revit. I had this question how can I control the a complex roof in Revit Something similar like below. Kzieto67I/SdrpezEgIxI/AAAAAAAALRE/QjAXp1cGt-I/s400/Revittut_revit_2010_004.jpg' alt='Autocad Revit Architecture 2010' title='Autocad Revit Architecture 2010' />The roof doesnt look pretty, the roof edges dont meet at expected point. The problem that cause this is Revit attempt to create slopes from each edges. The meeting point might not where we expect it should be. Formation AutoCAD 2011 2009 2010 ou 2008 et antrieures voici la liste des cours AutoCAD Montral, laval et qubec, pour apprendre autocad, nous offrons les. So how we can correct this shape There are several ways to do it First, You can create a mass and create roof by selecting the mass faces. Mass are quite easy to make, but using this method might be require a lot of works. If your design is quite simple, you will not want to spend to much time on your roof. I will not discuss much about this for now. Changing slope angle and using slope arrow. To do this method, you need to select the roof and edit the roof footprint. Click edit footprint to enter the sketch mode. Advertisement this article continues below. Changing the slope angle. If you see the symbol, then the edge will be generated having slope. The value can be different for each edge. Select the edge and change the slope value. You can do a little math here or simply doing a trial and error until you get the expected result. Its not fun, but it a way to do it Using the Slope Arrow to control the slope direction. The trick above might work. However, you might need to control the slope direction by yourself. You can do it by using slope arrow. Visual Web Ripper Incl Keygen For Mac on this page. Before you use slope arrow, you need to turn off define slope for the edge. Select the edge you want to control the slope direction, and turn off the define slope from option bar. If you do not turn it off, you will get an error message The tails of slope arrows must not lie in interior of slope defining lines. The now should disappear from that edge. Activate slope arrow. Then draw the arrow to define the slope direction. You can use height or slope value, specify the method and the constraint values from properties palette. Tips For creating complex roof, it might be easier if you create separate roof then use join roof tool to join them later. Using Shape Editing Tools. This is the easiest way to do it. But Im not really sure if this is a best practice. You need to create the bay window roof separately. Do not give any slope to your roof edges. After you finish creating the roof, select it. You will see shape editing tools from in your ribbon, contextual tab. This shape editing tools will not appear if you define the roof slope. First, activate add split line and draw the lines like below. This is pretty easy to control. Easier than the previous method. After you finish with the lines, open default 3. D view. Activate modify sub elements. You can drag any point in your roof and adjust the roof shape as you want. In this sample, I only use one. You also need to adjust the roof height to match the other roof. You can move the roof from elevation view or change the offset value. The downside about this method is you cant join the roof to another roof. So you will have two separate roof. Im not sure if this will affect the model in structural or MEP analysis, but for modeling and visualization only I guess its OK. Do you have another suggestion how to do it And what do you think about the last method, would it cause a problem later in your design process About Edwin Prakoso. I work as an Application Engineer in Jakarta, Indonesia. Ive been using Auto. CAD since R1. 4 and Revit since Revit Building 9. I occasionally write for AUGIWorld magazine and also active in Autodesk discussion forum. Im certified as Revit Architecture 2. Auto. CAD 2. 01. 4 certified professional. Im also a member of Autodesk Expert Elite, appreciation for individuals who give contribution to Autodesk community. Connect with me on twitter or Linked.