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Triton moon Wikipedia. Triton is the largest natural satellite of the planet. Neptune, and the first Neptunian moon to be discovered. It was discovered on October 1. English astronomer William Lassell. It is the only large moon in the Solar System with a retrograde orbit, an orbit in the opposite direction to its planets rotation. At 2,7. 10 kilometres 1,6. Solar System. Because of its retrograde orbit and composition similar to Plutos, Triton is thought to have been a dwarf planet captured from the Kuiper belt. Triton has a surface of mostly frozen nitrogen, a mostly water ice crust,1. The core makes up two thirds of its total mass. Triton has a mean density of 2. Triton is one of the few moons in the Solar System known to be geologically active the others being Jupiters Io and Saturns Enceladus. As a consequence, its surface is relatively young with few obvious impact craters, and a complex geological history revealed in intricate cryovolcanic and tectonic terrains. Part of its surface has geysers erupting sublimated nitrogen gas, contributing to a tenuous nitrogen atmosphere less than 17. Earths atmosphere at sea level. Discovery and namingedit. Breuer Condensed Medium' title='Breuer Condensed Medium' />William Lassell, the discoverer of Triton. Triton was discovered by British astronomer. William Lassell on October 1. Neptune. A brewer by trade, Lassell began making mirrors for his amateur telescope in 1. When John Herschel received news of Neptunes discovery, he wrote to Lassell suggesting he search for possible moons. Lassell did so and discovered Triton eight days later. Lassell also claimed to have discovered rings. Although Neptune was later confirmed to have rings, they are so faint and dark that it is doubtful that he actually saw them. Triton is named after the Greek sea god Triton, the son of Poseidon the Greek god comparable to the Roman Neptune. Issuu is a digital publishing platform that makes it simple to publish magazines, catalogs, newspapers, books, and more online. Easily share your publications and get. FF Mark. Ze new Germanetric sans by Hannes von Dhren, Christoph Koeberlin and the FontFont Type Department. Strong, simple, bold and created with utmost. This vintage cake combines two layers of white cake, with a surprise brownie layer soaked in a decadent chocolate sauce. And the cream cheese frosting takes it right. The name was first proposed by Camille Flammarion in his 1. Astronomie Populaire,1. Until the discovery of the second moon Nereid in 1. Triton was commonly referred to as the satellite of Neptune. Lassell did not name his own discovery he later successfully suggested the name Hyperion, previously chosen by John Herschel, for the eighth moon of Saturn when he discovered it. Orbit and rotationeditTriton is unique among all large moons in the Solar System for its retrograde orbit around its planet i. Most of the outer irregular moons of Jupiter and Saturn also have retrograde orbits, as do some of Uranuss outer moons. However, these moons are all much more distant from their primaries, and are small in comparison the largest of them Phoebeg has only 8 of the diameter and 0. Triton. Tritons orbit is associated with two tilts, the inclination of Neptunes spin to Neptunes orbit, 3. Tritons orbit to Neptunes spin, 1. Tritons orbit precesses forward relative to Neptunes spin with a period of about 6. Earth years 4. 1 Neptunian years,34 making its Neptune orbit relative inclination vary between 1. That inclination is currently 1. Tritons orbit is now near its maximum departure from coplanarity with Neptunes. Tritons rotation is tidally locked to be synchronous with its orbit around Neptune it keeps one face oriented toward the planet at all times. Its equator is almost exactly aligned with its orbital plane. At the present time, Tritons rotational axis is about 4. Neptunes orbital plane, and hence at some point during Neptunes year each pole points fairly close to the Sun, almost like the poles of Uranus. As Neptune orbits the Sun, Tritons polar regions take turns facing the Sun, resulting in seasonal changes as one pole, then the other, moves into the sunlight. Such changes were observed in 2. Tritons revolution around Neptune has become a nearly perfect circle with an eccentricity of almost zero. Viscoelastic damping from tides alone is not thought to be capable of circularizing Tritons orbit in the time since the origin of the system, and gas drag from a prograde debris disc is likely to have played a substantial role. Tidal interactions also cause Tritons orbit, which is already closer to Neptune than the Moons is to Earth, to gradually decay further predictions are that 3. Triton will pass within Neptunes Roche limit. This will result in either a collision with Neptunes atmosphere or the breakup of Triton, forming a ring system similar to that found around Saturn. Captureedit. The Kuiper belt green, in the Solar Systems outskirts, is where Triton is thought to have originated. Moons in retrograde orbits cannot form in the same region of the solar nebula as the planets they orbit, so Triton must have been captured from elsewhere. It might therefore have originated in the Kuiper belt,1. Neptune to about 5. AU from the Sun. Thought to be the point of origin for the majority of short period comets observed from Earth, the belt is also home to several large, planet like bodies including Pluto, which is now recognized as the largest in a population of Kuiper belt objects the plutinos locked in orbital step with Neptune. Triton is only slightly larger than Pluto and nearly identical in composition, which has led to the hypothesis that the two share a common origin. The proposed capture of Triton may explain several features of the Neptunian system, including the extremely eccentric orbit of Neptunes moon Nereid and the scarcity of moons as compared to the other giant planets. Tritons initially eccentric orbit would have intersected orbits of irregular moons and disrupted those of smaller regular moons, dispersing them through gravitational interactions. Tritons eccentric post capture orbit would have also resulted in tidal heating of its interior, which could have kept Triton fluid for a billion years this inference is supported by evidence of differentiation in Tritons interior. This source of internal heat disappeared following tidal locking and circularization of the orbit. Two types of mechanisms have been proposed for Tritons capture. To be gravitationally captured by a planet, a passing body must lose sufficient energy to be slowed down to a speed less than that required to escape. An early theory of how Triton may have been slowed was by collision with another object, either one that happened to be passing by Neptune which is unlikely, or a moon or proto moon in orbit around Neptune which is more likely. A more recent hypothesis suggests that, before its capture, Triton was part of a binary system. When this binary encountered Neptune, it interacted in such a way that the binary dissociated, with one portion of the binary expelled, and the other, Triton, becoming bound to Neptune. This event is more likely for more massive companions. How To Install Sip Tapi Gateway. Similar mechanisms have been proposed for the capture of Marss moons. This hypothesis is supported by several lines of evidence, including binaries being very common among the large Kuiper belt objects. The event was brief but gentle, saving Triton from collisional disruption. Events like this may have been common during the formation of Neptune, or later when it migrated outward. However, simulations in 2. Tritons capture and before its orbital eccentricity decreased it probably did collide with at least one other moon, and caused collisions between other moons. Physical characteristicseditTriton dominates the Neptunian moon system, with over 9. Pseudolaticauda semifasciata Medium to large snake total length up to 1. There are 1. 9 2. Head is. broadly triangular, flattened on top, but not distinct from neck body is. The ventrals are medium size, which is one third to more. Eye is medium sized iris is dark brown to. Tongue is red to purple, with. Fangs are medium size, rigid, in anterior. There are 2 rostrals, 3 prefrontals, and no loreals. Upper head is brown to olive black, frequently tinged with blue, and. Some individuals also have a lighter band across posterior part and. Upper body and tail are brown to gray brown, or gray. Body and tail bands are variable in prominence the dark. Ventral head is yellow to yellow gray, tinged with medium black. Ventral. body is yellow gray to blue gray the color is uniform or with vague. The ventral scales are narrower than body width, especially in. Anal scale is divided and.