Oblivion Gamepad Patch
The controls for Oblivion were originally madeoptimized for a keyboardmouse and not a game padcontroller. I felt like digging out my old copy of Oblivion, but Im wanting to play it on my media center pc with a game pad and I forgot how bad the game. XBox Controller Support Is A Reality The Elder Scrolls IV Oblivion Message Board for PC Erika posted. Mi. Ch. Ig. An. Fa. California Driver License Font. N1. 16 posted. Mouse and Keyboard works way better with Elder Scrolls imo. Download Elder Scrolls IV Oblivion Patch v1. FilePlanetLatest Oblivion PatchShut the up. Its true though. The only reason why I use a gamepad in games like this or Borderlands is when my right wrist is hurting too badly to use a mouse for extended periods. The only time MKB controls arent superior to gamepad controls in absolute terms is when the developer screws up the MKB controls or youre playing a game where having some sort of analog control is more or less mandatory. As an example of screwed up MKB controls, Visceral screwed up the MKB controls in Dead Space. The default 3. 0 FPS cap on frame rate hurts the controls by itself, but when you combine that with the massive dead zone while in aim mode most players are more likely to die without a gamepad than with. Thats rather ass backwards, in my experience, compared to other games. As an example of mandatory analog controls just look at racing games and flight sims where the eitheror, 0 or 1. Even games that are from other genres that incorporate these aspects Rage and the Borderlands games for racing elements evidence this. Its good that someone is working to improve upon this aspect of gameplay. I might even take a look at it myself for those times when I want to play a melee character and take some strain off of my wrist. I just probably wouldnt use it for a ranged casterarcher character. Logic is the antithesis of faith, else why is it that faith defies logic while logic denies faithHas anyone managed to get the PC version working with an Xbox 3. FAQSubreddit Rules. Modding Tutorial. Recommended Mods. Important Links. Rising. Controversial. Top. Wiki. Gilded. Sponsored. HAIL ADVENTURERWELCOME TO THE HIGH HALL OF CYRODIIL. Related Links. Official rOblivion server. Please Note Before posting a question, please take a time to read our Wiki, it includes our FAQ, our modding tutorial, the subreddit rules, and some common recommended mods. Regarding The Wiki roblivion strives, in part, to be a community where users can learn how to best enjoy their game. Our wiki should be a resource that every one of our users can go to when they need help, for bugs, or mods, or anything about Oblivion. At the moment it is sorely lacking, and wed like to remedy that. If you want to help us out, please send us a message so we can add you as a contributorIf we see you commenting thoughtfully, well probably send you a message first, but unfortunately we dont see everyone. Being a contributor even has a few special perks, but theyre a secret for the moment. Again, this is a resource the entire community should be able to learn from, and we really need your help. Thanks. Related Subreddits. Regarding Bugs Quite often on this sub we get users who ask for help for bugs, or with mods, that have been solved before. To reduce this clutter, we have a link search filter. To save everyone some time, try searching for bugs that might be similar to any you are having. Remember to add keywords if your problem is a specific one. Search For General Bugs. Search For Modding Help. Spoiler Tags Please add spoiler tags if youre talking about the events of the game. To add a spoiler tag use this code in your comments Spoiler labels Spoiler goes hereMain Quest Spoiler. Banner by uAvian. Mehrunes Dagon snoo by uAvian. Older Gray Fox snoo by uQuite.