Shipyard Apprenticeship Programs In Newport News
Virginia Ship Repair Foundation. The Virginia Ship Repair Foundation VSRF, a 5. Virginia Ship Repair Association. The Foundation aims to assist VSRA member companies, both locally and nationally, in their efforts to produce the highest quality ship repair services by convening and deploying efficient training and employee recruitment strategies. The VSRF has strong partnerships with other maritime organizations, educational institutions, workforce boards, and other community organizations. VSRF initiatives include Participation in regional local Career Day Events. Outreach to Technical Schools and CTEs statewide. Ship Skills Handbooks to introduce entry level workers to maritime trades. L0LpzSi4KTY/hqdefault.jpg' alt='Shipyard Apprenticeship Programs In Newport News' title='Shipyard Apprenticeship Programs In Newport News' />Alaska. King Career Center School 2650 E Northern Lights Blvd, Anchorage, AK 995084119 Michel Villon, CEC, CCE michelgourmetmsn. LEGO Competition for Middle School Students. Ship Repair Race Night at Langley Speedway. Pre Hire Trade Training Programs. The VSRF Board of Directors is comprised of apprenticeship and human resource leaders from VSRA member companies, including all Large Ship Repairers, and several ship repairs, sub contractors, and suppliers. The VSRF Board meets regularly, on the second Wednesday of each month. For questions about the VSRF and its initiatives, please contact Barbara Washer at BWasherVirginia. Ship. Repair. org or Sallena Nikitas at SNikitasVirginia. Ship. Repair. org, or call the VSRA office at 7. Programs. 20. 17 1. Annual Tradesperson of the Year Awards. Click here to view information on the 2. Senior and Junior Tradesperson of the Year Read more. Community Programs. VSRF supports many community initiatives, and has many volunteers who actively participate in various outreach activities across Hampton Roads. Read more. Is and in to a was not you i of it the be he his but for are this that by on at they with which she or from had we will have an what been one if would who has her. Pro Media Tools Serial Number. The Norfolk Naval ShipyardNNSY Apprentice Program will be accepting applications for the 2017 apprentice class from January 30, 2017 through February 13, 2017. Ship Repair Pre Hire Training. The VSRA Pre Hire Trade Training Programs are innovative programs that help to prepare workers interested in building a long term career in ship repair. Read more. Shipyard Careers. The Foundation is committed to helping the Ship Repair Industry fill workforce gaps in the coming years through active outreach and education now. Read more. VSRF LEGO Competition. Each year, the Virginia Ship Repair Foundation sponsors a LEGO Competition for Middle School students aimed at enhacing awareness of careers available in the Ship Repair Industry, and the skills and education needed to pursue those careers. Participation in the VSRF LEGO Competition will increase the students mathematical, analytical, and conceptual skills, as well as give them valuable information on an industry that is vital to their community. Read more. VSRF Board of Directors. Dawn Angrisani. Chairman Director. HII-1024x681.jpg' alt='Shipyard Apprenticeship Programs In Newport News' title='Shipyard Apprenticeship Programs In Newport News' />Issuu is a digital publishing platform that makes it simple to publish magazines, catalogs, newspapers, books, and more online. Easily share your publications and get. DONT MISS EYE ON INNOVATION AND NEW CONTRACT OFFICE. SERVICE TO THE FLEET Norfolk Naval Shipyard. We Are Americas Shipyard. September 2016. Continuous Training and. Shipyard Apprenticeship Programs In Newport News' title='Shipyard Apprenticeship Programs In Newport News' />BAE Systems Norfolk Ship Repair. Deborah Ledbetter. Vice Chair Director. Colonnas Shipyard. Benefits Manager. Terry Stead. Director. Tecnico Corporation. Production Manager. Chris Murray. Director. AMSECProduction Manager, NAVSEA Cableway Program. Todd Kling. Director. AEROTEK, INC. David Spinazzolo. Director. Metropolian Laboratories. Chief Executive Officer. Brian Daugherty. Director. Superior Marine Solutions. Director of Business Development. Robbie Walker. Director. Marine Chemist Service, Inc. President. Jim Davis. Director. General Dynamics NASSCO Norfolk. Training Development Manager. Kenyatta Goshen. Ex Officio. Norfolk Technical Center. Bill Docalovich. SecTreas. Director. Newport News Shipbuilding. Corey Mc. Cray. Ex Officio. TCC Workforce Development Center. Vice President of Workforce Solutions. Nikole Dunkley. Director. Lyon Shipyard, Inc. Director of Human Resources. Steve Cook. Ex Officio. Opportunity Inc. of Hampton Roads. Vice President of Workforce Innovation. Joy Henderson. Director. Marine Hydraulics International. Director of Human Resources. Todd Estes. Ex Officio. Tidewater Community College. Director, The Apprenticeship Institute.